Ensuring your Medical Aid and Health Insurance needs are met – since 2000.
Zim’s oldest Medical Aid and Health Insurance consultancy.
Although I am no longer directly involved with Alliance Health, I fully support them and their products because they fit many people’s needs, purpose and budget in Zimbabwe.
I launched Alliance Health in 2009 with the help of my wife, Laura, and Neil Hunt from Alliance Insurance.
But the story about how I got into Health Insurance started 9 years before that.

Sean Steyn
Originator and Co-Founder of Alliance Health and owner of IHC Africa
Not sure what you need? Chat with us via Whatsapp at +263 78 956 9843
More about us:
After losing my successful Commercial Farm Insurance Brokerage overnight due to Mugabe’s Farm Expropriations, I fell into a deep depression and we left Africa in 2000 for the UK with 6 suitcases and a 2 year old daughter. The depression got worse in the UK because I couldn’t find a decent job.
A year later, in 2001, we returned to Zimbabwe where we downsize our living to reduce costs so that I could take time off from everything and recover mentally.
Just before our finances ran out, I received a call from my Aunt who was looking to raise funds to pay for my cousins Cancer treatment. Sadly, he had passed away but the family were left with huge medical bills to pay.
It turned out that Zims biggest and best medical aid were not paying medical bills in full which was leaving people with huge shortfalls.
Being inquisitive, I decided to investigate the issue and found out that all the medical aids in Zim were facing the same problem of not charging enough to offer high benefit levels to cover medical bills adequately. This lack of high benefits translated into massive shortfalls at the time of treatment.
This in turn translated into a huge hungry market in Zimbabwe wanting decent medical cover.
Prior to investigating the above, a friend who was working for MK Airlines had told me how brilliant his medical cover was from the UK. So I contacted his broker in the UK and found out that UK International Private Medical Insurance products benefits were high enough so as to not leave people with shortfalls like Zim medical aids were doing.
I immediately joined the UK brokerage as an independent agent and started marketing International Private Medical Insurance in Zim.
This then led me to working as broker manager promoting and training agents all over Africa for AETNA’s Executive Healthcare Product.
It was at this time that I realized even the International Private Medical Insurance products were still not covering everyone’s needs. The international plans were far better than Zim Medical Aid cover but they were still not good enough. There were lots of gaps. People in Zim wanted better cover.
I then surveyed all the Zim agents and people on these international plans who told me what was missing and exactly what they wanted in a home-grown Medical Insurance product.
A few months later working from my dinning room table in a small 2 bedroom flat in Avondale, I had the first draft of Multimed. About a year later I had the final product and approached Neil Hunt at Alliance Insurance company to help me launch Zimbabwe’s first Health Insurance company which was in 2009.
The rest is history as they say.
Medical Cover for Families and Company Employees
Have a look at the various Medical Plans we offer families and company employees below.
Northern Alliance

Alliance Health Options is a set of innovative value added regional health care plans designed to provide the highest levels
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Geared at providing a solution with tiered benefits for individuals and companies, Alliance Options SELECT provides different levels of benefit
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